Measurement Capabilities

ICEOxford DryICE system

This cryostat lets us get cold fast. This setup is primarily used to screen and test devices before they go into the Bluefors cryostat. It is also used heavily for microwave device experiments. It is equipped with two fast exchange probes that allow devices to be cooled in a matter of hours (instead of days) to approximately 1.3K and hold that temperature indefinitely. 

We also have a 3-Helium probe for the system that reaches a base temperature of ~300mK and can maintain that temperature for around 3 days. The system is equipped with a 5T superconducting solenoid.

Bluefors LD250 Cryostat

The lab's workhorse cryostat with a Base temperature just above 7 mK. This system is designed for quantum dot experiments offering 12 microwave lines and 144 filtered DC lines routed to the mixing chamber. It is equipped with a low noise factory HEMT for microwave frequency experiments as well as two home-built cryo-HEMT amplifier chains to enable RF measurements of quantum dots. The system has a 6T-1T-1T wide-bore vector magnet.

Quantum Control Electronics

The lab is equipped with RF control electronics to enable device characterization at frequencies up to 43 GHz. It is also equipped with ultra-low-noise DC electronics designed and built in-house for quantum dot experiments. Designing and building instrumentation tailored to our experiments offers better performance overall than can be achieved with commercial instrumentation.